Curriculum of The Dental Surgery Program

Program Mission

To graduate qualified dentists, in an attractive environment that encourages learning, research and community services.

Program Goals

  1. Offering high standard education and training to dental students
  2. Providing an enthusiastic learning environment
  3. Promoting excellent scientific research
  4. Building effective partnerships with community institutions

Graduate Attributes

  1. Competent dentists
  2. Effective communicators
  3. Experienced collaborators
  4. Investigative
  5. Ethical practitioners
  6. Community-engaged

The Degree Awarded by The Program

Bachelor’s Degree of Dental Surgery (BDS).

Program Level According to The National Qualifications Framework (NQF)

Seventh level.

Program Requirements

Vision College awards a Bachelor’s Degree in Dental Surgery to students who have successfully completed 200 credit hours in addition to the one-year internship training program.

The 200 hours are divided over the years of study as follows:

YearCredit hours
First year Courses (Basic Sciences)35 hours
Second year courses33 hours
Third year courses32 hours
Fourth year courses35 hours
Fifth year courses32 hours
Sixth year courses33 hours
Total200 hours

Program Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding

K1Recognize the essential theoretical knowledge and basic sciences related to dental sciences.
K2Describe the anatomy, development, structure, and function of teeth and associated soft and hard tissue structures.
K3Describe the etiology, pathology, clinical features, and management of common dental, oral, and related diseases.
K4Identify the different principles, techniques, materials, and medications applied in dental practice.
K5Explain the basis of evidence-based dental practice at the individual and community levels.


S1Perform basic preclinical practices and procedures relevant to the dental practice.
S2Utilize obtained patient history and diagnostic measures to detect dental and oral abnormalities for managing patients effectively.
S3Discern and manipulate different instruments, equipment, and materials for different clinical dental procedures.
S4Perform different preventive and basic therapeutic dental procedures based on appropriate treatment plans.
S5Provide basic care for common complications or emergencies that may occur in dental practice.
S6Apply the principles of scientific research required to practice evidence-based dentistry.


  • V1 Demonstrate ethical, professional, and legal responsibilities in the dentistry profession.
  • V2 Demonstrate commitment to community service, career planning and life-long learning within the dental profession.
  • V3 Establish collaborative teamwork and leadership responsibility in the dental practice.
Course CodeCourse NameCredit HoursLevel
ISLM 101Islamic Culture2First
ICOM 101Introduction to Computing3First
COMM 101Communication Skills2First
ARAB 101Arabic Language Skills – 12First
BIOS 101Biostatistics2First
ENGL 101English Language – 16First
ENGL 105Medical Terminology3Second
CHEM 101Introduction to Chemistry3Second
PHYS 101General Physics3Second
ARAB 102Arabic Language Skills – 22Second
ENGL 103English Language – 24Second
BIOL 101Biology3Second
BCH 261Biochemistry -12Third
PSL 211General Physiology – 13Third
ISLM 102Islam and Construction of Society2Third
ISLM 103The Islamic Economic System2Third
ARAB 103Arabic Language Skills – 32Third
GDC 211Introduction to Dentistry1Third
ANAT 211Anatomy , Embryology and Histology4Third
DDC 251Oral Biology – 11Third
BCH 262Biochemistry -22Fourth
PSL 212General Physiology – 22Fourth
RDC 211Dental Anatomy and Morphology2Fourth
DDC 252Oral Biology – 22Fourth
MAC 211General Microbiology and Immunology3Fourth
GDC 212Dental Informatics2Fourth
ANAT 212Head and Neck Anatomy3Fourth
GDC 311Introduction to Scientific Research2Fifth
DDC 311Oral Pathology – 12Fifth
PDC 311Preventive Dentistry1Fifth
RDC 311Pre-Clinical Operative Dentistry – 13Fifth
RDC 331Dental Materials Science – 11Fifth
GDC 312Ethics and Professionalism in Dental Practice1Fifth
PHL 311Introduction to Dental Pharmacology – 12Fifth
GDC 391First Aids for Health Professionals1Fifth
PATH 332General Pathology2Fifth
OMC 311Introduction to Local Anesthesia1Sixth
OMC 312Introduction to Exodontia2Sixth
DDC 312Oral Pathology – 22Sixth
RDC 332Dental Material Science – 22Sixth
DDC 321Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology – 12Sixth
DDC 331Oral Diagnosis – 12Sixth
RDC 312Pre-Clinical Operative Dentistry – 23Sixth
MAC 311Introduction to Applied Microbiology2Sixth
GIM 311Introduction to General Internal Medicine1Sixth
DDC 431Oral Diagnosis – 22Seventh
OMC 411Clinical Oral Surgery – 12Seventh
RDC 411Clinical Operative Dentistry – 12Seventh
DDC 421Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology – 22Seventh
RDC 421Pre-Clinical Endodontics – 12Seventh
SDC 411Pre-Clinical Removable Prosthodontics – 12Seventh
SDC 421Pre-Clinical Fixed Prosthodontics – 13Seventh
PDC 421Clinical Periodontology – 12Seventh
ISLM 104Fundamentals of Islamic Political System2Eighth
OMC 412Clinical Oral Surgery – 22Eighth
RDC 412Clinical Operative Dentistry – 22Eighth
PDC 422Clinical Periodontology – 21Eighth
SDC 412Pre-Clinical Removable Prosthodontics – 22Eighth
SDC 422Pre-Clinical Fixed Prosthodontics – 23Eighth
RDC 422Pre-Clinical Endodontics – 22Eighth
ENT 411Ear, Nose, and Throat1Eighth
GSO 411General Surgery1Eighth
GDC 411Evidence Based Dentistry2Eighth
OMC 511Clinical Oral Surgery – 32Ninth
RDC 511Clinical Operative Dentistry – 32Ninth
RDC 521Clinical Endodontics – 12Ninth
PDC 531Pre-Clinical Pediatric Dentistry2Ninth
SDC 511Clinical Removable Prosthodontics – 12Ninth
SDC 521Clinical Fixed Prosthodontics – 13Ninth
PDC 521Clinical Periodontology – 32Ninth
DDC 541Oral Medicine – 12Ninth
OMC 512Clinical Oral Surgery – 41Tenth
DDC 542Oral Medicine – 22Tenth
RDC 512Clinical Operative Dentistry – 41Tenth
RDC 522Clinical Endodontics – 21Tenth
PDC 522Clinical periodontology – 41Tenth
PDC 532Clinical Pediatric Dentistry – 12Tenth
SDC 512Clinical Removable Prosthodontics – 21Tenth
PDC 541Orthodontic – 12Tenth
SDC 522Clinical Fixed Prosthodontics – 21Tenth
PHL 511Dental Pharmacology – 21Tenth
GDC 511Geriatric Dentistry1Tenth
GDC 512Special Needs Dentistry1Tenth
PDC 641Orthodontic – 21Eleventh
PDC 631Clinical pediatric dentistry – 21Eleventh
GDC 611Biostatistics in Dentistry1Eleventh
PDC 611Dental Public Health and Community Dentistry – 12Eleventh
SDC 690Advanced Prosthodontics & Implantology1Eleventh
GDC 691Comprehensive Clinical Dentistry – 17Eleventh
GDC 612Dental Practice Management – 12Eleventh
GDC 613Applied Research in Dentistry2Eleventh
RDC 611Esthetic Dentistry2Twelfth
PDC 632Clinical Pediatric Dentistry – 31Twelfth
PDC 612Dental Public Health and Community Dentistry – 22Twelfth
GDC 614Dental Practice Management – 22Twelfth
GDC 699Comprehensive Clinical Dentistry – 25Twelfth
GDC 615Career Plans2Twelfth
GDC 616Multidisciplinary Literature Review2Twelfth