Nursing Program

The nursing program provides a curriculum including courses, practical applications and clinical practices in labs and hospitals. Moreover, the nursing program aims to provide a high level of learning in the bachelor stage; in order to be a gate for upgrading the nursing profession level, enhancing the nursing practice based upon the evidence which is characterized with a high level of quality and in a cultural mode which is appropriate for the surrounding environment and fulfills the society’s health care.
The educational nursing program prepares the efficient graduates for participation in the actual needs of health care in the kingdom of Saudi in the present and in the future. For such noble service that has to do with bodies and souls and that our true religion urges us to do.

Program Objectives:
Preparing specialized practitioners through gaining the knowledge and skills required for providing quality care for improving the patients’ health and motiving them towards self and continuous learning.
Qualifying the nursing specialists to work with other professionals in the health care field. Furthermore, the scientific materials seek to equip the student with the basic and vital nursing profession requirements.
Provision of the basic and comprehensive learning of nursing concepts and applications, besides the integrated knowledge the specialization field that prepares individuals to serve the knowledge community and develop the scientific research.
Program Philosophy:
The nursing program philosophy is to provide due care for society and to pay much heed to all its social, physical, and psychological aspects. Moreover, it gives specific care for the society members, seeks to raise the society’s health level, and prevents diseases through teaching the college students all theoretical, training, and practical and field courses; including the basic medical and nursing sciences. It is evident for all the human and linguistic sciences’ role for such profession to stress its values and ethics.

Program vision
The nursing program aspires to achieve a prosperous status in science and distinguished nursing practices as well as scientific research through graduating highly qualified male and female nurses in addition to having the ability to compete in all national and international labor markets.

Program mission:
The nursing program looks forward to graduating male and female nurses who are professionally committed and possess a high degree of practical, applied and cultural mastery. Thanks to the distinguished learning, the students will have the sufficient resilience to fulfill the society’s needs, provide health care and follow the cultural, ethical and religious values of the Saudi society. Furthermore, the students will be groomed to the continuous learning through self-learning activities and the scientific research. The program counts upon a host of values briefed in the following: transparency, integrity, objectivity, justice, consultancy, adherence and belonging.

The strategic program objectives:
The nursing program seeks to attain academic, scientific, research and societal status among other colleges of health sciences inside the kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the following:

Preparing highly qualified and trained male and female nurses who are able to use the most modern medical equipment and possess national and international efficiency.
Encouraging students to spread the health awareness amongst the society members and to make active specialized contributions in the activities that aims to submit preventive services as well as protecting the society from the health hazards.
Conducting the research required for developing the health care in the area on all levels.
Seeking to obtain the academic accreditation of all the programs from the national commission for academic accreditation and assessment.
Providing a motivating academic and administrative environment for learning, production and creativity.
Cooperating the ministry of health and other relevant colleges all over the kingdom of Saudi Arabia; to achieve a qualitative development for training in all nursing specializations
Setting and executing continuous learning programs in specialization of dentistry for all program members.
Developing scientific and practical skills of the male and female students through taking part in symposia and scientific conferences inside and outside kingdom of Saudi Arabia for keeping updated with the latest innovations in their fields.
Holding active partnerships with the scientific organizations and distinguished research centers inside and outside kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Academic Degrees are given by the Program:
Bachelor degree of nursing science

Study period and system of nursing program:
Study period is five subsequent years; including one uniform year for all students preparing the student for the university study, and three year study of nursing courses followed by a training year called (internship) in college and the approved training centers approved by the college in the hospitals. The study system is quarterly (by semester) where the students study 10 semesters (four subsequent years) in addition to two semesters for practical application (internship) before graduation to practice nursing profession. The total credit hours are 130 credit hours.

Work Fields after completing the Nursing Program:
Nursing profession is regarded one of the most sought after and the most common business fields in the health sector all over the world. Furthermore, the nursing program graduates have the option to work as a nursing specialist in all health sectors in the light of the saudization policy of all the health jobs; due to the fact that demand on the labor work in the nursing field increases day after day. There many work opportunities for nursing program graduates, such as in public and private hospitals, public and private health centers, public and private governmental organizations and in all primary health care fields such as clinics, dispensaries and long run care centers.

The Nursing program study language
The students study Arabic language and Islamic religion in Arabic language; but the rest of courses will be taught in the English language, which is the formal study language.

The Nursing program structure:
The nursing program depends on two main branches in Vision College in Jeddah as follows: human resource branch that provides the first year of the general and basic medical courses in the student’s university life during the following study years, after that, the student will be promoted to the dentistry nursing courses thereupon the following departments supervise:

The scientific tracks of the Nursing program:

Track of the nursing foundations.
Track of the surgical medical nursing.
Track of pediatric nursing.
Track of maternity nursing as well as obstetrics and gynecology.
Track of mental health nursing.
Track of community health nursing.
Track of nursing management.
Graduation Requirement and Program Credit Hours:
The student is deemed to be a graduate from the nursing program after completing the graduation requirements which are four subsequent years with the total of 130 credit hours, one compulsory internship year and completing all exams successfully according to the syllabus provided that GPA won’t be less than passable.

Graduation requirementsCredit hoursPercentage of total credit hours
Basic Sciences Department.5542
Specialized courses of nursing program Branch.7558

Intern year of the Nursing Program:
Intern year is regarded an intensive compulsory training period for all students whose aim is the optimal application of the theoretical information which is to be studied during the university period. Moreover, it is deemed an integral requirement for obtainment of the license to practice the nursing profession in kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The training period is 12 months (47 weeks) the student spend in the college hospitals and the training centers approved by the college all over the kingdom. The students move among different departments during the training period. There is a valid agreement between Vision College based in Jeddah and ministry of health in kingdom of Saudi Arabia; represented in the ministry hospitals who subject is to hold over the training program during the intern year. During the intern year, the students perform all their work tasks under the direct supervision of the college and the training department of the hospital, which assess their training according to the assessment form, approved by the college and in conformity with the ministry’s conditions. Afterwards, the student will receive the intern year completion certificate.