Development and Quality Center (DQC)

The Development and Quality Center (DQC) started to carry out its responsibilities in 2019, shortly after the launch of the Vision Institutional Accreditation Project. The DQC reports directly to the Dean, who supervises Academic Affairs, and he, in turn, reports to the Board of Trustees.
The DQC conducts its duties and responsibilities through subcommittees, including committees for academic programs. The heads of each program committee are the deputy directors and report to the Director of the DQC.
The Quality Management System (QMS) works to meet the quality requirements in preparing and implementing the academic programs at VC, as well as to verify the effective contribution of the VC administrative and academic departments in the continuous improvement of the educational process, student activities, and community services. In addition, the QMS develops strategic and operational plans, follows up on their application, and facilitates development and enhancement in accordance with national and global quality standards.


  1. Reviewing the College’s strategic plan and operational plans and preparing periodic reports.
  2. Evaluating the quality of the performance of the academic and administrative departments in the College through performance indicators (KPIs), with a special focus on achieving program learning outcomes (PLOs), and preparing periodic reports on the performance indicators and academic programs.
  3. Preparing satisfaction assessment tools and reports on the degree of satisfaction of the beneficiaries of the program offered through the College.
  4. Reviewing the College’s plan for institutional and programmatic accreditation and implementing the plan, including coordinating self-study teams, follow-up and preparing reports.
  5. Implementation and follow-up of academic accreditation and evaluation activities.
  6. Supervising the preparation and processing of course portfolios of the academic departments.
  7. Spreading a culture of quality and continuous improvement through guidance, focus group discussions, quality days and workshops.
  8. Building and maintaining information databases for all manuals, policies, regulations, quality assurance and accreditation activities in the College.
  9. Preparing periodic reports on the performance levels in the departments and the extent of beneficiaries’ satisfaction in each activity.
  10. Performing other tasks assigned to the Center in relation to academic accreditation and quality activities and development.