Examination and Assessment Center (EAC)

This is principally responsible for the logistics of the examination process. The responsibilities include: Securing the needs and requirements of the Examination Unit (stationery, maintenance and equipment, furniture) in a timely manner. Preparing and announcing exam...

Medical Education Center

First: Curriculum Management Unit (CMU)The Curriculum Management Unit (CMU) is an executive unit that deals with the academic programs at Vision Colleges and undertakes responsibility for advancing academic programs and plans. The CMU oversees the educational programs...

Development and Quality Center (DQC)

The Development and Quality Center (DQC) started to carry out its responsibilities in 2019, shortly after the launch of the Vision Institutional Accreditation Project. The DQC reports directly to the Dean, who supervises Academic Affairs, and he, in turn, reports to...

Department of Nursing Sciences

Faculty members Dr. Dalyal Alosaimi Dr. Rasha Mohammed Al Talat (Associate Professor) Dr. Hala Bayoumi (Associate Professor) Rehab Talal Al-Fayoumi (Lecturer) Talal Haider Badawi (Lecturer) Amal Ahmed Kandil (Lecturer) Courses Level 3: Fundamental of Nursing (NURS...