Accelerated Path for General Nursing Program

Questions and answers related to the accelerated path of the nursing program

What is the Accelerated Nursing Path:

  • It is the application of the General  Nursing  Program Curriculum so that the student completes the graduation requirements in a period less than the time of obtaining the university degree.

What is the expected duration of the completion of the accelerated nursing path:

3 academic years distributed as follows:

  • The first semester, the second semester, and the compulsory summer semester over two academic years.
  • Internship year (training), during which the student studies 11 credit hours of general subject hours.

Admission requirements for the accelerated track

  • General conditions for admission to the general nursing program (weighted percentage 65%).
  • Pass the personal interview.
  • The student must pass one of the English language tests, as the college exempts the student from English language courses, which represent 21 credit hours. (5 in the IELTS test or equivalent).

Conditions for continuing the accelerated path:

  • Success in all courses from the first time, in case of failure (God forbid) transfers the student to the normal track directly.
  • Regular tuition fulfillment on time.

Target group:

High school students, as for transfer students, each case is studied separately.