About the Human Medicine Program

About the Program

Program Mission

To graduate highly competent physicians in an enthusiastic environment that supports education, scientific research, and community engagement.

Program Goals

  1. Offering high standard education and training to medical students
  2. Providing an enthusiastic learning environment
  3. Promoting excellent scientific research
  4. Building effective partnerships with community institutions

Graduate Attributes

  1. Competent physicians
  2. Effective communicators
  3. Experienced collaborators
  4. Investigative
  5. Ethical practitioners
  6. Community-engaged

Degree Awarded by The Program

Bachelor’s Degree of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS).

Program Level According to The National Qualifications Framework (NQF)

Seventh level.

Program Requirements

Vision College awards Bachelor’s Degree of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) to students who successfully complete the 212 required credit hours and complete one-year internship training program.

The 212 credit hours are distributed as follows:

       YearCredit Hours
First year (Basic Sciences)35 hours
Second year courses33 hours
Third year courses36 hours
Fourth year courses36 hours
Fifth year courses36 hours
Sixth year courses36 hours
Total212 hours

Program Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding

K1PLO1. Describe the basic, clinical, behavioral, and social concepts related to medical sciences
K2PLO8. Recognize the regulations of the Saudi healthcare system in the Kingdom
K3PLO9. Identify the principles of health promotion and disease prevention


S1PLO2. Practice evidence-based health care
S2PLO3. Demonstrate the essential clinical skills
S3PLO4. Demonstrate clinical reasoning, decision making, and problem-solving skills in medical practice
S4PLO5. Manage patients with life-threatening medical conditions
S5PLO6. Formulate and implement appropriate management plans for patients with common medical problems
S6PLO10. Communicate verbally and in writing with patients, their families, colleagues, and other health professionals
S7PLO12. Apply medical informatics in the healthcare system effectively
S8PLO16. Demonstrate basic research skills


V1PLO7. Establish patients’ needs and safety at the center of the care process
V2PLO11. Practice teamwork and inter-professional collaboration
V3PLO13. Demonstrate professional attitudes and ethical behaviors of physicians
V4PLO14. Apply Islamic, legal, and ethical principles in professional practice
V5PLO15. Demonstrate the capacity for self-reflection and professional development
V6PLO17. Demonstrate scholarly activities related to health sciences research critically