Scientific research is one of the basic pillars and represents a major goal of the Vision College to meet the challenges in various medical fields. Vision College is keen to encourage scientific research, improve the performance of the research machinery, as well as build research capabilities, and provide the appropriate environment for conducting developmental studies and research according to mechanisms that encourage faculty members and students to conduct various research projects that contribute to the community development.
1. Conclusion of twinning agreements and international cooperation with universities that are internationally recognized in the field of scientific research.
2. Determining research strategies and directions, and coordinating the efforts of the bodies concerned with scientific research within the college.
3. Increasing the production of scientific research in the college and improving its outputs by supporting and encouraging distinguished scientific research.
4. Raising the quality of publication and increasing the number of published research.
5. Motivating researchers to excel, creativity, innovation and invention.
6. Upgrading the skills of faculty members to conduct and publish research with a global impact.
7. Enhancing the participation of undergraduate students in the field of scientific research.
8. Creation of new research chairs or centers of excellence.
9. Interest in communicating with the media regarding research activities.
10. Preparing a periodic report on the progress of work in the unit.

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Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Vision College
In order to maintain the ethics of scientific research within the College and to enable researchers to publish their research, the Vision College presents research projects to the Research Ethics Committee (IRB), which has been approved by the National Committee of Bioethics (NCBE), in order to review the ethics of the research proposals submitted to the committee. The IRB ensures the that PI and the co-investigators shall comply with all the regulations, policies and procedures contained in the Code of Ethics of Research on Living Creatures and its executive rules.