Medical Education Center

First: Curriculum Management Unit (CMU)


1. To set the rules, procedures and the guidelines for preparing and updating academic programs and courses.

2. To periodically review the study plan and curriculum map including the redistribution of courses or credit hours and courses prerequisites, according to rules and standards of the NCAAA.

3. To periodically review and update the Vision College programs’ curriculum documents, including course specifications, course reports, and student guides in coordination with the Heads of Departments and the Development and Quality Center and endorse the points of strengths, weaknesses, and important recommendations to integrate into the cycle of continuous improvement of the course’s quality according to rules and standards of the NCAAA.

4. To review and update the program learning outcomes, the courses mapping matrix, teaching and learning strategies, and assessment methods for achieving PLOs and CLO, in the light of national standards.

5. To provide updates and recommendations for the improvements of teaching strategies through robust tools in the courses and on the whole curriculum of the Vision College’ programs.

6. To provide updates and recommendations for the enhancements of assessments through robust tools in coordination with the assessment unit of the Vision College’ programs.

7. To review the annual program reports and program specifications in coordination with the Heads of Departments and support improvement in programs according to NCAAA standards.

8. To facilitate and guide staff members on implementing the core competencies in curricula evaluation, designing, teaching, and assessment strategies according to program learning outcomes/core competencies within the Vision College educational programs in coordination with the Faculty Development and Continuing Education Unit

9. To strive and meet the requirements of both internal (Self-Study Report) and external review processes.

Second: E-Learning Unit


1.Supervising the e-learning management system in coordination with the Information Technology Department.

2. Providing support to faculty members in preparing and implementing all educational processes related to the e-learning management system.

3. Supporting and training students to deal with the e-learning management system.

4. Suggesting policies and procedures related to organizing work related to e-learning management and submitting them to the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs.

5. Continuous follow-up to ensure that the educational content is in the required form on the e-learning management system.

6. Coordination with the Information Technology Department to fix the problems associated with the use of the e-learning management system.

7. Studying the possibilities of developing an e-learning management system in coordination with the Information Technology Department