Students Affairs Unit (SAU)

Within Vision Medical College, the Student Affairs Unit functions as a cornerstone for student engagement, support, and enrichment. Committed to encouraging a energetic and inclusive academic community, Vision Medical College prioritizes student well-being, academic excellence, and holistic personal development. The Student Affairs Unit plays an essential role in enhancing academic experience by providing a comprehensive range of services to augment students’ overall engagement and well-being. Through these initiatives, VMC strives to foster an environment helpful to academic achievement, personal growth, and the refinement of professionals’ preparation to excel in their respective fields.

For Students Guide click here

The Students Affairs Unit Committees

Excuses Review Committee

The Excuse Review Committee is entrusted with the responsibility of meticulously evaluating excuse submissions from students pertaining to absences from midterm exams, final exams, lectures, labs, and clinics. Upon thorough examination, the committee issues comprehensive reports detailing its findings and recommendations. Subsequent to the committee’s deliberations, decisions are promptly communicated to the Student Affairs Unit for further action, particularly in relation to calculating absence percentages and implementing appropriate measures in accordance with institutional policies.

Behaviour Control Committee

The Behavioral Oversight Committee is tasked with reviewing referred cases related to student conduct. The committee convenes to engage with all involved parties, facilitating a comprehensive dialogue to ensure a thorough understanding of the circumstances at hand. Following these deliberations, the committee renders informed decisions in alignment with the established Student Behavior Regulation Policy, ensuring fair and consistent enforcement of institutional guidelines.

For Behaviour Control Policy click here

The Student Affairs Unit also supervises the work of the Student Advisory Committee.

The Student Advisory Committee
is a student group that aims to achieve effective student participation in the university decision to develop the educational and academic process, and to touch the views of students regarding the educational, extracurricular and service activities provided to them, and the Student Council allows discussing problems related to students in their academic and scientific achievement, and trying to find appropriate solutions inside and outside the college according to the general system of colleges and in accordance with Islamic values and principles.

Formation of the Student Advisory Committee

The Student Advisory Committee consists of all level leaders, and is headed by the Dean of the College and his deputy, the Vice Dean for Therapeutic Affairs, and the membership of the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and members of the Student Affairs Unit
Level leader: It is a student represented by the students of his group or a student represented from the students of her group, and the process of selecting the leaders of the levels is one of the tasks of the Student Affairs Unit, where the unit sends a questionnaire with the names of candidates to all students in the level to vote and choose the leader according to the majority

Secretary of the Student Advisory Committee: He is the leader of the oldest student group in the male section or the leader of the oldest student group in the female section

Tasks of the Student Advisory Committee

  1. Collecting and studying students’ observations and suggestions and submitting them to the college administration.
  2. Contribute to solving the challenges faced by college students in coordination with the college administration.
  3. Cooperation and coordination with the Student Affairs Unit in the college.
  4. Developing team spirit and brotherly ties based on the tolerant Islamic faith among students.
  5. Contribute to giving an honorable image of the Vision College of Human Medicine.
  6. Spreading the values of the Council and the College among the students of the College